Russia 2020 update

We are happy to announce a compete update of Russia postcode and municipality level products range.

Since 05 May 2020 all products have been updated to 2020 vintage and are available for immediate delivery.

Russian postcode map now includes 40117 individual postcode polygons. Detail level in urban areas have been significantly improved. Russian population dataset has been updated and is now actual as of 01.01.2019. Gender / age groups and households datasets have been updated to match the vintage and represent the situation as of 01.01.2019 as well.

Russian nominal wages dataset has been updated as well and now represents the situation as of end of 2019 (average wages through January – December 2019).

Geocoded Addresses for Russia

We are announcing a new product that will become available in 2019 – a database of geocoded addresses for Russian Federation. The new product will be based on FIAS (ФИАС – Федеральная информационная адресная система) – an official Russian tax authority address database. As of November 2018 FIAS documents over 27 million addresses over the territory of Russian Federation. The new dataset will be available as a stand-alone perpetual license. We will not impose any limitations on monthly use and use of the resulting coordinates in the customer’s application. The dataset is our own development, will be copyright Kantynent IT and free from obligations to third party providers.

Russian dataset population update

We have updated our Russian Federation dataset to reflect the new population statistics from Russian statistics office (ФСГС). Since 01.09.2018 our population records show population as of 01.01.2018 across the Russian Federation. This applies to both municipal and postcode boundaries. A minor update of the boundaries has also taken place (municipal boundaries are now as of 24.08.2018, postal boundaries – as of 12.08.2018).

Russian Dataset Update 2018

A new version of the Russian Federation boundaries and socio-demographic datasets have been released. We now offer administrative (municipal) boundaries as of 01.01.2018, postal code boundaries as of 01.04.2018 and all socio-demographic datasets as of 01.01.2017. All datasets are available for immediate delivery.

Russian Data Update 2017

We have finished updating all Russian Federation datasets to the most recent vintages. The updated dataset features Russian municipal and postcode boundaries as of 14.02.2017 and all socio-demographic data as of 01.01.2016 – the latest official vintage available now. Socio-demographic data (population, households structure, age and gender groups, average wages) is re-modelled to match the newer boundaries correctly. All new data is available for purchase and immediate delivery.

(Russian) Социально-демографические данные на территорию России

Представляем вам запись презентации продуктов ООО “Континент Информационные Технологии”, которая проводилась на ежегодной конференции Esri Business Day в Москве. В ней освещены основные особенности и преимущества предлагаемых продуктов: границы почтовых зон и административного деления, население России, поло-возрастная структура, данные о домохозяйствах и средней заработной плате за год.